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Indiana House Speaker Todd Huston (above) introduced House Republicans’ 2023 legislative goals Thursday, the fourth day of the session.

He discussed bills covering the expansion and funding of economic growth in the state, work-based learning, health care and more.

“We’re going to be focused on these agenda items, and we’re excited about our budget opportunities, reducing health-care costs, really providing more flexibility and education space, and addressing energy,” said Huston, R-Fishers.

State Rep. Chuck Goodrich, R-Noblesville, has authored House Bill 1002, regarding expansion of work-based learning, apprenticeship and internship opportunities for high-school students.

“It’s even more important for low-income kids who oftentimes don’t have those types of experiences,’’ Huston said. “House Bill 1002 is for all of us. It’s for the kid, parents and for the employer.”

Huston also talked about House Republicans’ proposed budget for advancing economic growth, increased funding for mental health services, and expanding housing and child-care services to low-income women and children.

Huston said House Republicans would like to expand READI (the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative), school choice and the state’s energy plan.

House Democratic leader Phil GiaQuinta, D-Fort Wayne, spoke Monday about some of his caucus’ priorities this term. House Democrats wish to focus on public health problems like maternal and infant mortality and smoking; universal pre-k; investment in public schools; incentives to offer childcare in the workforce; and more.

“We must build a 21st-century economy. It must be an inclusive, robust system that supports both industry and family-owned businesses by prioritizing the needs of Hoosier workers, families and students,” he said.

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