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State Rep. Earl Harris Jr., D-East Chicago, smiles while talking during the IBLC’s press conference. (Photo/Mia Frankenfield at

By Samuel Maurer

January 10, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS—The Indiana Black Legislative Caucus has narrowed its focus in the 2024 legislative session to housing, introducing a series of bills that the caucus said are aimed at creating fair housing for all Hoosiers.

“This year, we in the IBLC are prioritizing fair housing to ensure every Hoosier can work toward a better future for themselves and their families,” Harris said.

The IBLC held a press conference at 10 a.m. on Wednesday to discuss the 2024 legislative agenda.

The IBLC was founded in 1979 with the hope of overcoming the wrongs of the past as they look to pursue social and economic initiatives with their work in the Indiana Statehouse.

State Rep. Earl Harris Jr., D-East Chicago, started the meeting by introducing the IBLC’s primary focus – Fair Housing, Fair Future – in this year’s legislative session.

Harris discussed just how important it is for Hoosiers to have affordable and fair housing.

“The ability to have a house to call your own is an integral part of the American Dream,” Harris said. “Homeownership is a stepping stone that allows an individual and their families to plant their roots and build their lives.”

Harris said that House Bill 1176, which he authored, is one of several bills this year that will make housing more accessible, affordable, and equitable for citizens of Indiana.

This bill establishes a housing down payment assistance fund. The hope for this bill is that it would help more Hoosier families afford a home, while it would keep hedge funds from being able to buy all the houses in a neighborhood.

“This bill will help cut more everyday Hoosiers in on the American Dream and will strengthen the middle class along the way,” Harris said.

As Harris proceeded he brought up House Bill 1128, authored by State Rep. Vanessa Summers, D-Indianapolis, which prohibits foreclosures on families or individual’s homes due to medical debt.

Harris said that an individual or a family who has undergone illness or medical debt, should not have to worry about losing their home.

He also nodded to Senate Bill 243 authored by Sen. Andrea Huntley, D-Indianapolis, which enhances tenant protections by requiring landlords to deliver a written notice of intent to sell properties 60 days before the showing begins, also it requires the buyer of a rental property to honor the lease between the previous owner and the tenants.

Another bill that was highlighted was Rep. Cherrish Pryor’s, D-Indianapolis, House Bill 1112 which is a revival of a former bill she authored that will ban discriminatory practices within home appraisal and loan approval.

“Owning a home is one of the best ways to build generational wealth. But that cannot happen if some Hoosiers are held back through these unfair and unjust practices,” Harris said.

Harris mentioned that the IBLC has met with House Speaker Todd Huston, R-Fishers. The caucus was excited to hear that Speaker Huston mentioned that there is a need to improve housing for Hoosiers.

While there is an understanding that there are other issues that may be receiving more attention the IBLC is optimistic that it is something both parties agree is something that needs to be addressed.

“We know that this is a problem that still exists here in Indiana, as well as in other parts of the country,” Harris said.

As Harris concluded he made sure to make sure everyone knew just how important housing is to the IBLC in 2024.

Samuel Maurer is a reporter for, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

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